
Wax emulsion series
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Silica Wax EmulsionML-1007
Wax emulsion series
ML-1007 is silicone oil and various waxy water eumlsion,can significantly reduce the friction coefficient of the yarn,prevent electrostatic generation in sewing thread processing,and suitable for sewing thread and embroidery thread consisting of syntheti
Main Components
milk white emulsion
Properties and Features

With excellent lubrication performance,suitable for high-speed 

sewing;and has the advantages of continuous neeedle,continuous thread and good sewing effect.

Give the yarn a small coefficient of friction,make the yarn surface smooth,soft and sewing good. Can provide good heat protection for sewing thread and embroidery thread and reduce hairiness.

There will be no spatter problem when using and sewing,and the oil rate is low,comprehensive cost-effective. 

Effectively prevent electrostatic generation in the sewing process.         

Under weak acidic condiyions(pH=6-6.5),the final temperature of 55℃ can be completely exhausted.

Appearancemilk white emulsion
Solid content (%)20
Ionicityweak cation
pH   Value(10%)about 5
Solubilityinsoluble in water

Application Field

Application Process  

The finishing is done in a water bath after bleaching or dyeing.

Dosage:   3-5% o.w.f

   Wroking method: 

             →add water,ML-1007 directly into the feed tank. 

             → adjust pH value of the finishing liquid to about 6.

             → run for 10 minutes without heating,cyclic the liquid,and 

                 keep the static pressure(3-4bar).

             → heat up to 40-50℃(2℃/minute),retain its heat for 10 


             → fluid discharge,and dehydration.

             → drying.

Package & Storage:

 Plastic drum net 120kgs, can be stored for 12 months under room  temperature and hermetic condition.
